Feed The People

We used to send out Christmas cards to our Clients.  Not the prestamped ones either.  We would spend hours and hours handwriting the cards, then addressing them, and mailing them.  Our list started out small and I could get it done in a day, but then over time, it got so large that I would have to hire people to help me get them done.

Then, I received one from a person who I do business with and an idea came to me.  It was really nice to get a card, but it wasn’t personal, it was just a “thank you for your business” and stamped with the names of the people that worked there.  While it was nice to receive, I wondered how many they sent out, how much each card cost, and did receiving that card make me feel warm and fuzzy?  Well, it did and then it didn’t.  Then, a thought came to me:  “What would happen if we sent out an email Christmas card to our Guests and use the money spent on cards as a donation to our local food bank!  Would people appreciate that they were helping to feed local families from different parts of the country or would they prefer to receive a hand written Christmas card?”

I took a leap of faith and sent that email out and then promptly went to the local food bank and made a donation in the name of Wallowa Lake Vacation Rentals & their Guests and it felt sooooooo good!  Warm and fuzzy!  Mission accomplished.  That year, the food bank was at an all time low for monetary donations and it felt good knowing that we (you and I!) were giving to these families and making their holidays better.  Warm and fuzzy!

Again, we will be doing this for our local food bank.  But, we are adding to it this year.  For every new Facebook like we receive between now and December 7th, we will add $1 to that total.


Until next time, Cindi